K - College
Tutoring K-College
MAIA instructors are experts in teaching academic skills and concepts in specific subject areas. Our master’s level hand-selected teachers and learning specialists have a proven track record of success in teaching students prior to joining our team. Once on our team, they are trained to implement MAIA’s unique tutoring accountability system to monitor and advance their student’s learning development. Tutorial support is offered in one or all of the following areas:
This option is ideal for students who benefit from an additional review of materials taught and seek additional challenges to extend knowledge to another level of mastery.
This option is ideal for students who have academic gaps in reading, writing, and math skills. These skills are addressed with evidence-based instruction so that the student can continue to master the content required of a particular grade level. Orton-Gillingham based programs are used including PAF, Wilson, Wilson Fundations, and Recipe for Reading.
Subject Tutoring
This option is ideal for students who need support with reviewing and understanding the content. Instructors clearly explain the subject matter utilizing strategies to help with memorizing and analyzing information.
Who Do We Serve?
MAIA Education serves families and students in-person and virtually all over the world. Our students attend a variety of public, charter, and private schools.