Executive Function Coaching
Executive Function Coaching
Executive Function (EF) is an umbrella term used to describe a person’s ability to plan, organize, and follow through on tasks in a timely manner. It is comprised of multiple mental processes that individuals need to live capably. While neuroscience research supports a developmental timeline of a few decades for executive function skills to fully develop, academic and scheduling demands often outpace an individual’s natural maturation process putting a child at risk for academic failure. In some cases, learning and/or attention deficits can also interfere with the development of EF skills.
These tasks include:
Organization of their materials and physical study space
Subject-specific study skills
Time management for short- and long-term assignments
Effective self-advocacy in student/teacher relationships
We can teach your child effective tools for time management and organization to help them manage school and social obligations.
Our one-on-one sessions are designed to improve your child’s study and organizational skills for optimal academic performance and increased self-confidence. We also work with students who need to incorporate academic support as part of the executive function coaching.
Examples of difficulties with EF in students:
1) A second-grader has many wonderful ideas and can recount stories verbally in great detail but doesn’t know where to start when putting thoughts down on paper. It is difficult for this student to initiate and to sustain focus on the writing task.
2) A sixth grader diligently follows through on homework yet consistently forgets to hand it in the following day to his teachers. His papers are often found crumpled in his backpack. There is no rhyme or reason to where he puts assignments, so it’s difficult to remember where to find things or what needs to get done and when.
3) A tenth grader consistently impresses her teachers with her well-developed vocabulary and analytical abilities but has difficulty handing in long-term assignments on time and studying efficiently for tests and exams.
4) A college freshman has two months to complete a fifteen-page research paper on a topic of great interest to him. He has read extensively about the topic which has been approved by his professor. This student begins writing his paper three days before it is due, and he is unable to meet the deadline.
Why is EF coaching effective?
Individuals with underdeveloped executive function skills are unlikely to independently develop them over time. We provide structured individualized support to teach specific strategies that can be applied at home and school. These skills carry over into successful academic and interpersonal relationships. We teach life skills as a stand-alone support program or in conjunction with tutoring to help with content specific subjects.
The EF skills that are integral to everyday functioning include:
Time Management for short- and long-term assignments
Time Management for test preparation
Task Initiation
Sustained Attention
Flexibility in thinking
Goal-Directed Persistence and Focus
Organization of materials and physical study space
Subject-specific study skills
Effective self-advocacy in student/teacher relationship
We have worked with hundreds of students who are more confident today because they are competent in managing their lives with age-appropriate independence. Coaching benefits students and their families as individual success in this area positively impacts family dynamics.